sounds needed for the game , a few basis sounds would be music , two types would be needed basic music for the game, i'm thinking like retro arcaded style music with a sci/fi theme to it ,for the games music the other music will be for the boss and harder levels and will be more like a chase soundtrack to give you more suspense and intensity to the harder parts of the game,
the other sound effects i will need to focus on are the action sounds such as....
explosions , laser shots , asteroids, when that are traveling at you and also a low heath noise like a heart beat or something , i don't think ambient sound will be needed for this game as it is a flash game and just the basics will be needed '
, .....another thought i had was on my stars screen to have a more of a heroic up beat audio track with a picture of q ship traveling through space (motion tween on back ground) with a cool looking game title , also i was thinking having a boss enter the intro screen and bite the logo ,
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Who are we designing our games for?
Who am I designing my game for?
I believe the target audience for my game would be teenagers, anyone can play a basic flash game will enjoy the game from a young audience to an older age , the way the game will play will be a medium to fast passed arcade game with shooting and dodging being the key elements to the game , there will be a score counter so keep track of your high score and trying to beat your friends, with stylised graphics and a good quick pace to the game I hope that anyone can load the game up quick and start to have fun any were between class or on break or just board at home i think all ages will enjoy. but teenagers 10 - 18 will enjoy it the most i believe.
Monday, October 17, 2011
game idea
my idea for a game is a helicopter flying game, where the helicopter flys along a tunnel that differs in hight and also has objects in its way that the helicopter must dodge to keep from crashing , also there is gravity applied to the game, so not only must you dodge the objects but keep your helicopter flying by always tapping the screen , this is a challenge in its self as flying is harder then you thing plus you must always be on the look out for objects to dodge .
(object of the game )
to fly the longest distance with out crashing,
(object of the game )
to fly the longest distance with out crashing,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
movie title intro review for "the days" and "napoleon dinomite"
The days
The days starting titles is a very bright and attractive intro it make use of amine witch is very helpful in a Asian movie, it is also hard to not watch this as it is very bright and a lot of action going on as well as music to go with it, when I watch it I am reminded of a music video, the style that is animated in is very attractive as well, it is done in a comic book style and the style of older Asian comics, (manga ) so the style is good and the animation looks even better because it’s not a typical animation , in this animation the only thing that moves is the joints and characters don’t move or bend like in a standard style of animation , almost like a paper puppet ,
It is also paced very fast with fast paced music setting you up for a fun action filled movie .
Bright colours to grab your attention
Music is stylised to the clip
Appealing to younger people ( target audience )
Napoleon dynamite ,
Simple intro that plays a simple song , this suites the movie tone to a tee ,
Its is a nice clip that is fun to look at and as simple as they come.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
5 photos using "depth of field",§ion=&q=low+depth+of+field#/d2kfge8§ion=&q=depth+of+field#/d22do0m§ion=&q=depth#/dis7px§ion=&q=low+depth+of+field#/d2kfge8§ion=&q=depth+of+field#/d22do0m§ion=&q=depth#/dis7px
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
ipad app mockup
the snowboeard retail assistant is designed to make shoping easier this version shows how it would be applied if you were using it to buy snowboard euipment what this program does is alows you to sink your ipad to the shop your shopping in and gives you sizes acvalability of items in store and allows you to order products that may not be in stock as well as allworing you to customise you perchases with things like colours of accesories decals and most of all board customisation which you can do through a simple to use feature in the app ,this will also remember your shopping and customisations so if your not ready to buy right then and there you can save your items and customisations to your ipad and when you are ready to buy you can order direct from your ipad instead of going back to the store and even have your items delivered to your house so you dont have to make multiple trips to the store .
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
feedback on flash project
When I spoke to the class about my flash project I got a lot of positive feedback about the style in which I was portraying this report the way it looked ( comic book style) . this way it is a little different to a main stream way of doing a but by doing it this way i believe it will be much more appealing to our target audience ( 8 -14 yr olds) and be a lot more interesting to click around on a comic book page then a normal web page. With more time the art would look even better and have more colour this would make you want to stay on the page longer and learn more . I remember when I was in school if we were given something like this we would use it as apposed to something not as fun. Overall most things can stay the same in project and I was told positive things about my project but I will have to make it look nice in order for this to work.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
plastic bottle pollution
PLASTIC BOTTLE we all know what these things are if you get a drink, it usually comes in one. From milk to home goods they are everywhere, but what happens when you are finished with it? Toss it out right, no big deal??
…. Wrong!!!! Plastic is no innocent piece of trash, let’s take a look at this so called plastic and what it does to our environment and wild life ……..
First thing what is plastic?
Well plastic and plastic bottles are made up off polymers, chains of molecules called monomers ….. ” slow down egg head !!!! ” ok that’s a bit technical, all you really need to know is that, it is plain old plastic, the plastic we use day in day out but this replacement for glass that seems to have sprung up over the past 50 years
Plastic bottle???
Plastic bottles are a serious risk to our environment and ecosystem. We in Australia use around 1.3 million tons each year and 80% of the world’s garbage is plastic bottles and we are doing some real damage to the ecosystem, we and Europe recycle about 60% of our plastics. Clean up Australia reports that 80%- 90%of garbage they pick up is plastic bottles.
Problems with plastic?
· So what’s the problem with plastic you might ask? Well the bad thing about plastics is that its killing our planet and it won’t biodegrade even the good type, it’s just easier to recycle is all.
· If you toss away a piece of plastic it won’t breakdown entirely it just breaks into smaller pieces
· when the plastic breaks down into smaller pieces fish and other small marine life will start to digest it, problem is that this continues down the food chain until that plastic bottle you tossed away all them years ago is now back on your plate “yuck!”
· other wild life will eat plastic to, like bottle caps (made out of ultra-tough plastic) and other small pieces of plastic and will get caught in there stomachs eventually causing death.
· There is even something called The Great Pacific Garbage Patch an island that’s twice the size of Texas and is made entirely out of plastic garbage.
Ways to help
ü Fill recycled plastic bottles with water and place them in the empty spots in your refrigerator to save on energy.
ü Reuse your plastic containers for craft and small items like nails.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Cert III Media – Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context
In your opinion how important is it for mobile applications and devices to both look good and function properly?
Very important, this is the number one thing when it comes to making a decision on whether or not you will buy the item, because if you don’t think it looks good you will not buy it, aesthetics play a huge roll when it comes to technology , having a good stable operation system is also important because if it works well that’s when people tell others about it and your product gets good “word of mouth” rep, plus having a good stable aesthetically pleasing operating system will define your product and be one of its biggest selling features .iPhone and iPods for example .
Who designed the iPad? Was it an individual or team? In your opinion, do people use this device because it looks good or because it functions well? Or does it do both?
The ipad was designed by a team like most things today, but the team was led by Jonathan Ive a designer for apple. He is also responsible for most of the designs of apple in the last 10 years from iPods to iMacs. all though it does look good it’s not its looks that make the ipad such a huge hit, it’s the very stable and easy to use mac operating system as well as all the iPod features that we have come to love, but instead of being offered to us in either a small hand held or a big computer the ipad offers all these functions in a device that’s a perfect size for the home.
How has the iPad changed the way some businesses function? Can you find examples of where businesses have implemented the iPad into their day-to-day activities?
I think it has from the few pages that I have read some businesses are offering their services on the ipad like a lawyer may offer over the phone counselling via the ipad other businesses like an electronic shop may put other things they sell as well as accessories in the ipad before you buy it so it’s on there when you first use the device, in using the device in these ways you will be able to make business more efficient.
Overall, what other major flaws of this type of technology? Can you think of anyways in the future that this hardware will be improved to the point where it will compete with desktop and laptop computers?
There is few flaws with this kind of technology and the flaws that do exist aren’t major ones just little personal preferences, such as battery life and light leakage the major flaws at the moment that are holding it back from being or replacing a desktop or notebook is things like power of the unit at the moment the ipad is quite powerful and getting better every time they make a new one ( once a year ) but it’s still not as powerful as most desktops and notebooks of today and with our computer use becoming more and more power and graphic Hungary , a powerful computer is a must and that’s just for general use if you were to try and use a ipad or ipod to do work related material such as cad or adobe I think you will soon learn the real power of you apple devices isn’t much at all . If at some stage however apple offers all the power of a desktop and all the features of an apple device we may have a new contender for the home computer.
Consider the following–has the iPad shaped the way we do business? Or has business and technology shaped the way Apple developed the iPad?
I think both the ipad was developed with our day to day business in mind and does help us greatly but I don’t think we are doing business any differently maybe a little more efficiently but still very much the same for example if you’re a delivery driver the Ipad may help you to find your destination quicker and help let you know what you have on board but it will not drive you there and drop it off for you , you will still have to tell it where you going and drop it off yourself. It just makes things a little easier, in saying that it will eliminate some of the more monotonous things that hold us up through the day and make us more efficient and able to do more. One thing that stands out as to why they haven’t mad the ipad for business is that its still quite a fragile and expensive device not something you might want to use day to day in a work environment.
Is the iPad and tablets in general a passing fad? Or do you think this type of technology is here to stay long-term?
I believe it’s here to stay although it has always been here, apple released their first ipad in 1993 and they weren’t the first as long as there has been computing there has been a want and need to make them smaller , we were able to archive this a long time ago but it’s not until recently that this kind of technology has become affordable and available to the average Joe, be for if you wanted a small computer you were looking at a lot of money for something not that powerful but now it’s just as cheap if not more so to get a smaller device that is able to do the same if not more in some cases such as double other technology devices around the house hubs internet ports and simple chat systems plus you can’t do almost anything with it a popular use for the ipad away from computing is house controls like heating and lighting .
Conduct a discussion with the whole class and determine based on the general consensus the pros and cons of tablet-based technology.
Many people say that the iPad is an unnecessary piece of hardware caught in limbo between a laptop and mobile phone. Do you think this consensus is accurate? Do you think that your answer could be different in five years time?
I think in some ways it could be looked at like that but in truth its far from it although it does do the job of a notebook and mobile device the vast array of other things that the device is offering you is what’s going to keep it here today and in the future , with mobile devices and notebooks ,as good as they are, you are limited to the power of the unit and what’s available to it, where with an ipad you have literally limitless technology at your fingertips, if you can think of it, chances are your ipad can do it and someone has an app for it , ranging from personal use to business applications. As far as the future go’s it’s always hard to tell but going of the last 5 years apple technology is only getting stronger and more popular it won’t be long be for it takes over the hole computer market . where 10 years ago it was as if Microsoft could not be stopped and apples days were numbered so a lot can happen in the word of computing in a very short amount of time but for the time being I think apple will be safe ….. For now.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
bill board design and research
the subject i have chosen to research is suicide
I’m thinking that my client is going to be a big depression awareness company like beyond blue or a help line of something like that, i will focus on general awareness of suicide not focus on a specific group like older men or teen age girls, a few sites i have been doing my research of are ...
some of the things I’m thinking of for the bill board are two figures of scary things monsters ghouls i.e. and name one of them suicide and the other world conflict to give a simple comparison of suicide rates across the world vs. how many people die from the worlds conflicts.
Land mines kill at least one person every hour Land mine with humans crossed out on it like war plane with how many people it has killed ,
More people die each year from suicide than in the world's armed conflicts
Two monsters one scarier than the other one called suicide the other world conflict
Sunday, May 8, 2011
weight loss
Social weight loss
Are you battling weight still? Think you might like to lose weight this summer, having trouble keeping up with family, or would you just like more energy to do the daily routine?
Well stop!!!, stop with the same old diets and programs that have lead you to disappointment and try something new !
It’s time for a shake up! It’s time for something new to hit the diet market … it’s time for the Stubbs weight loss program.
Introducing the Stubbs-weight loss program, a new and exciting way to lose weight, developed with scientists, dietician and people like you who have battled with their weight and with the help of our program have managed to not only loss the weight but keep it off ! our program is like no other we are much more personalised and face to face unlike many other weight loss companies that are very corporate and are more worried about how much money they can make you lose rather than how much weight you can lose.
We have over 100,000 members so far and more every day, plus a huge support network to help keep you motivated. Stubbs weight loss is like no other, you will be assigned your own personal trainer and dietician plus be placed on a weight loss team who work with you to keep you motivated and stay on track to loss the weight, with the help of you team and our weight loss staff you will reach you goal weight level in next to no time we guarantee it. with this social and fun program replace (calories counting) for healthy lunches with team members who are going through the same battle as yourself and working out at the gym for social outings with your team members plus you have the chance to win prises and holidays.
Our social weight loss program has been scientifically proven to work and is proven to be much more affective then the cold anti-social ways of weight loss.
you will succeed with this program guaranteed or we will pay for the liposuction !!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Join the army be a hero
Are you ready to challenge yourself in ways you thought where never possible ??
If the answer is yes … then maybe it’s time you started to look at an exciting and rewarding career in the Australian defence force. this is far from a mundane career, there is nothing quite like it. not only will you be set up with free dental and medical, you will also receive tax free pay. these are just some of the advantages and perks of a career in the defence force.
In your training you will be challenged and may find it hard but anything worth doing is hard and the friends you make along the way are people you will know for ever, forging friendships is all part of the defence force and they will help and encourage you to become the best that you can be .
At Kapooka you will have to be prepared physical and mentally for the training is no walk in the park but this is how we will give the best and we will get the best out of you, through this rigorous training regime you will be crafted in to not only new skills but an out standing member of society and a world class soldier .
click the link
- Does the copy get to the point quickly? on some things it does like what to expect from the training in the beginning but dosn't go on to explaine any more then that.
- Is the copy shy about the offer or incentive? i find it to be a little because it spends most of the pitch explaining how different abnd difficult it will be in the beginning but also states in the end it will be worth the trainging to have a career like no other.
- Is it easy to respond to? not really bacause it is more of an introduction to whats going to happen if you join , not so much if you join these are the things that could happen for you .
- Does the copy overcome every objection to replying, leaving the reader with no choice but to act? i dont think so , it certainly gives the reader alot to think about but still makes you feel like it is up to you to make a dissision about it and an indepth one at that, going buy the pitch.
- Does the copy use simple words? yes it does which is something that makes it very appealing and easy to read
- Does the copy use active language (does it address the site visitor as ‘you’)? this is something that the site does quite well it feels like it is telling you the person about all the things that could take place iin the army
- Is the copy broken down into simple sections and bullet points? no it isnt but it is in simple to read paragraphs and uses simple wording making it easyer and more appealing to read .
1 2 3 4..1 .2 … JOIN THE ARMY
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
improvments on poster
self critiquing group
* not a clear image of new product chmar
*not an accurate image or new product claire
*cant see new can features luke
*not a clear out-lay of product features
in text section critiquing kyle
group critiquing
* not a clear image of new product chmar
*not an accurate image or new product claire
*cant see new can features luke
*not a clear out-lay of product features
in text section critiquing kyle
group critiquing
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Slurpee (frozen drinks) research and improvement (luke homework)
Slurpee ( frozen drinks ) research and improvement
the product I have chosen to research is the Slurpee ( frozen drinks) , which is one of my favorite drinks it is a great product and very popular the world over, it was invented in the 60s buy a man call Omar knedlik, and sense then has only grown in popularity worldwide, this is helped by a huge medium of advertising from internet, promotions, TV advertising and subliminal advertising such as the Simpsons famous squishy right down to the BRAIN FREEZE
but one thing I have noticed with this delicious beverage is that you are limited to where you can get it from, it seems that the only place you can obtain one of these drinks is from a 7-11 or corner store and further more you can only get them in a big bulky cup, I propose to enhance the product buy getting it out of the cup and corner store and in to cans and bottles. This would make the product much more widely available also you could save it if you didn't want to drink it all right then plus you could keep it at home as well as buy from vending machines super markets things like that.
But how do you keep it frozen ???
One way to do this might be to make the cans and bottle very high pressured so that is it liquid in the can or bottle is unable to freeze until it is opened, this would work much the same way a bottle of coke in the freezer reacts when it has been in for to long it looks fine but when opened it freezes ,
another way would be to sell it in a can or bottle with small balls inside which you shake to keep your drink at that nice consistency, much the same as a can of spray paint.
You could even sell it with a spiral in the can or bottle that you twist to keep it cold and slushed, the spiral would twist by ether twisting the can or placing on some kind or twisting device that you would crank , this would also create a new gimmick for the product (spirals and balls) and something to do while drinking it if you missed mixing your Slurpee in a cup with a straw.
but the main thing with the new packaging and gimmick is to get the drink out of the store/ 7-11 and in with all the other main stream beverages or the world IE coke Pepsi red bull , out or the cup and on to the shelves !
A few pros and cons to Slurpee pros/ big drink, unique cup, drink with straw, cheap, lots of flavors
Sunday, February 20, 2011

there is not to much wrong with this its a good deal and i would probably buy it if i saw it, a few things that might make it more attractive is if they had a few more options like...
- instead of junk food offer a more healthy option like fruit, 7-11 sell fruit and fresh items so it would not be a hard for then to do this.
- make it a "free" promo instead of "for only a dollar more". for example "1 in 3 chance to win free snack with every purchase of slurpee" instead of $1 with purchase
- make it a "free" promo instead of "for only a dollar more". for example "1 in 3 chance to win free snack with every purchase of slurpee" instead of $1 with purchase
-the other thing that i guess is a good thing from a companys point of view is that they will be turning over more stock and making more money from a sale.
Saturday, February 19, 2011


this is a pc game that i got which is a total gimmic i payed an extra $60.00 for nothing really just an extra book and an in game item .
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
GET THE GLASS game review

DID YOU KNOW : that the game get the glass was recorded on film then converted to the computer to be made into a game :)
positive one of the things thats makes this game good is that its different then alot of the other games that are on the market at the moment, it has more of a board game feeling to it with is very appealing to younger people who might be playing the game , it also has a heavy emphasis on milk and al the good that comes with drinking it, so not only is it fun but very educational at the same time, the cut scene's in the game are very nice highly rendered and have good animation through out the hole game witch will help to keep people interested.
negative .not many negatives on this game , a few are
- no in game personalisation so you don't get to customise your name or avitar
- not very bright it may be more appealing if the colours weren't so dull , could be more interesting to younger children ( 2-6 yrs ) if the colours stood out a little more
- the game doesn't encourage you to come back and play again, perhapes in game leveling or save points could have worked with this game
bad advertising

Sunday, February 13, 2011
bad advertising

ok this is some bad advertising
#1 first thing i think when i see this advertisment is BAD, it's in the shape of a hamberger. very clever, but alot of people when shopping for something they want to feel good in tend to stear away from things that make then feel bad like hambergers ( junk food , ect )
#2 this is a nike advertisement but could just as easy be a food commercial also
#3 nice and simple nike is a sport brand its clientell is mostly athletic people
bad advertising

#1 go's without saying .... no one wants anything to do with the nazi party .
#2 may have seemed like a good idear at the time , now is something volkswagon try and distance them selves from as much as possible
# 3 no colour !!!!
posative advertising
this to me is avery positive way to advertise
#1 it is not like your usual main streem advertising ,
#2 street artists have been employed buy a major brands like nike adidas to advertise there product in a waty that would be more appealing to the people that buy there products especialy there "street" range of products.
#3 very bright , unusual way for a big company to advertise so you may look twice
positive advertising

this is a very positive advertisment
#1 first thing i see when looking at this advertyisment is people and things that i recognise so already you have the consumers (me ) attention
#2 the advertiser has chosen to use an art style back ground which easy to see and stands out with bright colours
#3 there not just people on the advertisment there celebritys which takes the advertisment to a new level , if someone famous is backing the product it appeals to a lot more people and gives it a lot more class and professionality,
positive advertising

i think this is positive advertising and works for me
#1 product very bright fun and easy to see
#2 popular brand , product was made for my interest ( gaming ) and i have one for my team ( red or blue )
#3 combinds all my favouritwe things( popular things ) gaming , warcraft , energy drink ,
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Goon - trailer
OMG !!! ANYONE THAT KNOWS ME , KNOWS I LOVE THE GOON !!! , but not enough to know there was a movie comeing out please look its so cool , if you can not laugh and say it's awesome . il give u a dollar $$$ :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
(HOMEWORK) Find a new story on an OHS incident in the workplace
A SYDNEY crane company has been fined $65,000 after a young apprentice was crushed by a tonne of timber flooring, suffering multiple breaks and losing part of his bowel.
In the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, Justice Francis Marks also ordered Stephensons Cranes Pty Ltd, based at Arndell Park in Sydney's west, to publish details of the case.The details will appear, at the company's cost, in The Daily Telegraph newspaper and the trade magazines Construction Contractor and Crane Lift.
Commenting on the judgment on Thursday, WorkCover operational health and safety division general manager John Watson said the incident could have been prevented and served as a warning to the construction industry.
"This incident has had far-reaching consequences for the apprentice, whose health and lifestyle will be badly affected for many years to come due to the injuries he received, and robbed him of the joy of holding his newborn baby son," Mr Watson said.
On February 20, 2007, 19-year-old apprentice carpenter Jamie Kirchen fell 2.5 metres at a residential construction site before being crushed by a tonne of timber flooring.
Mr Kirchen, employed by Mintark Pty Ltd, based at Leumeah in Sydney's southwest, was standing on timber joists which formed a second-storey deck area while he directed a crane operator to land a pallet of timber flooring.
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