Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cert III Media – Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context

In your opinion how important is it for mobile applications and devices to both look good and function properly?

Very important, this is the number one thing when it comes to making a decision on whether or not you will buy the item, because if you don’t think it looks good you will not buy it, aesthetics play a huge roll when it comes to technology , having a good stable operation system is also important because if it works well that’s when people  tell others about it and your product gets good  “word of mouth” rep,  plus having a good stable aesthetically pleasing operating system will define your product and be one of its biggest selling features .iPhone and iPods for example .

Who designed the iPad? Was it an individual or team? In your opinion, do people use this device because it looks good or because it functions well? Or does it do both?

The ipad was designed by a team like most things today, but the team was led by Jonathan Ive a designer for apple. He is also responsible for most of the designs of apple in the last 10 years from iPods to iMacs.  all though it does look good it’s not its looks that make the ipad such a huge hit, it’s the very stable and easy to use mac operating system as well as all the iPod features that we have come to love, but instead of being offered to us in either a small hand held or a big computer the ipad offers all these functions in a device that’s a perfect size for the home.

How has the iPad changed the way some businesses function? Can you find examples of where businesses have implemented the iPad into their day-to-day activities?

I think it has from the few pages that I have read some businesses are offering their services on the ipad like a lawyer may offer over the phone counselling via the ipad other businesses like an electronic shop may put other things they sell as well as accessories in the ipad before you buy it so it’s on there when you first use the device, in using the device in these ways you will be able to make business more efficient.

Overall, what other major flaws of this type of technology? Can you think of anyways in the future that this hardware will be improved to the point where it will compete with desktop and laptop computers?

There is few flaws with this kind of technology and the flaws that do exist aren’t major ones just little personal preferences, such as battery life and light leakage the major flaws at the moment that are holding it back from being or replacing a desktop or notebook is things like power of the unit at the moment the ipad is quite powerful and getting better every time they make a new one ( once a year ) but it’s still not as powerful as most desktops and notebooks of today and with our computer use becoming more and more power and graphic Hungary , a powerful computer is a must and that’s just for general use if you were to try and use a ipad or ipod to do work related material such as cad or adobe I think you will soon learn the real power of you apple devices isn’t much at all . If at some stage however apple offers all the power of a desktop and all the features of an apple device we may have a new contender for the home computer.

Consider the following–has the iPad shaped the way we do business? Or has business and technology shaped the way Apple developed the iPad?

I think both  the ipad was developed with our day to day business in mind and does help us greatly but I don’t think we are doing business any differently maybe a little more efficiently but still very much the same for example if you’re a delivery driver the Ipad may help you to find your destination quicker and help let you know what you have on board but it will not drive you there and drop it off for you , you will still have to tell it where you going and drop it off yourself. It just makes things a little easier, in saying that it will eliminate some of the more monotonous things that hold us up through the day and make us more efficient and able to do more. One thing that stands out as to why they haven’t mad the ipad for business is that its still quite a fragile and expensive device not something you might want to use day to day in a work environment.

Is the iPad and tablets in general a passing fad? Or do you think this type of technology is here to stay long-term?

I believe it’s here to stay although it has always been here, apple released their first ipad in 1993 and they weren’t the first as long as there has been computing there has been a want and need to make them smaller , we were able to archive this a long time ago but it’s not until recently that this kind of technology has become affordable and available to the average Joe, be for if you wanted a small computer you were looking at a lot of money for something not that powerful but now it’s just as cheap if not more so to get a smaller device that is able to do the same if not more in some cases such as double other technology devices around the house hubs internet ports and simple chat systems plus you can’t do almost anything with it a popular use for the ipad away from computing is house controls like heating and lighting .

Conduct a discussion with the whole class and determine based on the general consensus the pros and cons of tablet-based technology.

Many people say that the iPad is an unnecessary piece of hardware caught in limbo between a laptop and mobile phone. Do you think this consensus is accurate? Do you think that your answer could be different in five years time?

I think in some ways it could be looked at like that but in truth its far from it although it does do the job of a notebook and mobile device the vast array of other things that the device is offering you is what’s  going to keep it here today and in the future , with mobile devices and notebooks ,as good as they are, you are limited to the power of the unit and what’s available to it, where with an ipad you have literally limitless technology at your fingertips, if you can think of it, chances are your ipad can do it and someone has an app for it , ranging from personal use to business applications. As far as the future go’s it’s always hard to tell but going of the last 5 years apple technology is only getting stronger and more popular it won’t be long be for it takes over the hole computer market . where 10 years ago it was as if Microsoft could not be stopped and apples days were numbered so a lot can happen in the word of computing in a very short amount of time but for the time being I think apple will be safe ….. For now.

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