Wednesday, May 11, 2011

bill board design and research

the subject i have chosen to research is suicide

I’m thinking that my client is going to be a big depression awareness company like beyond blue or a help line of something like that, i will focus on general awareness of suicide not focus on a specific group like older men or teen age girls, a few sites i have been doing my research of are ...

some of the things I’m thinking of for the bill board are two figures of scary things monsters ghouls i.e. and name one of them suicide and the other world conflict to give a simple comparison of suicide rates across the world vs. how many people die from the worlds conflicts.

Land mines kill at least one person every hour Land mine with humans crossed out on it like war plane with how many people it has killed ,

More people die each year from suicide than in the world's armed conflicts

Two monsters one scarier than the other one called suicide the other world conflict

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